01438 718118


Business start-up advice

There are a number of important issues to consider when you are forming a new company, relating to both ownership and taxation. We will take you through all the options and advise you whether to operate as a sole proprietor, partnership or Limited Company to provide a tax efficient route for you, but it’s not always about tax…

Company compliance

We will also inform you of your obligations with regard to keeping books and records, Directors’ responsibilities (if appropriate), the tax consequences of the different formats of trade and register your new business with HMRC.

If you think your business would benefit from any of RS Partnership Business Compliance Services, call now on 01438 718118 or click here to arrange a no-obligation FREE Business Development Session.

I have no hesitation in recommending RS Partnership as accountants to anybody. I’ve been with the practice for over 15 years and that in itself says enough.

Mr NB, Builder, Bedfordshire

Contact us to find out more